Your Photo
Take your photo with your computer or device's camera. For security, your photo is required in order to register as a volunteer with Oregon Trail School District.
Please ensure the camera captures your entire face and wear appropriate clothing for your photo.
All fields are required. Please ensure that the information you provide matches your government issued identification in order to perform any screening necessary to process your application.
What current available opportunities from the list below are you interested in volunteering for?
**Failure to disclose prior conviction (including misdemeanors) will result in immediate termination of volunteer privileges**
Oregon Trail School
District Volunteer Guidelines
To ensure
the safety of Oregon Trail students, all of our volunteers are required to
annually complete a volunteer registration/criminal history background form,
and to review and sign the volunteer guidelines checklist regarding
professional conduct and school/district rules.
understand that volunteers are required to:
- Sign-in at the front desk upon
entering a school building.
- Wear identification/name tag as
required by the school.
- Only perform services under the
direction of an administrator, teacher, or other staff member.
- Leave the building along with
students and staff if there is an emergency drill.
understand that volunteers shall not:
- Wear the school
identification/name tag at any location in the district or community other
than the school that furnished the tag.
- Bring younger children/siblings to
the school while volunteering. Even a quiet, sleeping baby draws the
attention of the students away from their schoolwork.
- Disrupt classroom activities with
questions or concerns about their own child. A separate time may be
arranged before or after school to conference with a child's teacher.
- Engage in political or religious
activities while volunteering.
- Provide first aid or handle any
bodily fluid spills. If accidentally exposed to another individual's body
fluid, wash the affected skin thoroughly with soap and water, or flush
mucous membranes with water.
- Publish photos/videos taken of
students during a school event or activity, with the exception of children
related to the volunteer. This includes any/all public/private social
media, blogs, websites, etc. Some students are opted-out of photos/videos
for safety reasons.
understand that volunteers are expected to act professionally and serve as good
role models for students. Volunteers shall:
- Avoid being alone with students in
unsupervised locations.
- Use common sense and follow a
hands-off policy with students.
- Refer any student discipline issues
to a school staff member. Never intervene in a dispute unless a student is
in danger of being harmed.
- Uphold confidentiality at all
times. As a matter of professional ethics volunteers should not discuss
teacher, student, or school affairs with other people.
- Report suspected child abuse to
the principal or other school staff member. It is not appropriate for a
volunteer to question a child or comment about any suspicion of abuse.
NOTE: There are laws that govern the action that schools are required to take
if signs of possible abuse are observed. Keep in mind - some forms of
abuse are not outwardly visible. Types of abuse could include physical,
mental, or sexual abuse, neglect or threat of harm.
supervising student groups off campus, during field trips, shall:
- Sign-in at the school office first
if riding the bus with students.
- Check in with the classroom
teacher for instructions, supplies, etc.
- Wear appropriate
identification/name tag as required.
- Never leave children unattended.
Keep the group together; restroom breaks should include everyone in the
- Adhere to school guidelines with
regard to student discipline. If a student becomes a discipline problem
during a field trip, every effort should be made to contact the teacher
for intervention.
- Remember confidentiality! If a
troubling situation arises, discuss it with the teacher.
- Never bring younger
children/siblings on a field trip.
- In case of an emergency:
- Never split up your group
- Call 911 immediately
- Contact the teacher as soon as
- I understand Oregon Trail School
District does not carry medical insurance or Workman's Compensation
insurance for volunteers. Volunteers are covered under the district's
liability insurance for injuries incurred as a direct result of school or
district negligence.
Oregon Trail School
District Student Privacy Statement and Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement
Privacy and Volunteer Confidentiality Students in the Oregon Trail School
District have the right to expect that information about them will be kept
confidential by all volunteers. Additionally, the U.S. congress has addressed
the privacy-related concerns of educators, parents, and students by enacting
the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (known more commonly as "FERPA" or the "Buckley Amendment"). Among other provisions, FERPA allows the
government to withdraw federal funds from any educational institution,
including the Oregon Trail School District, which disseminates a student's
education records without his or her parent's consent.
- Each student with whom you work
has the right to expect that nothing that happens to or about him or her
will be repeated to anyone other than authorized school department
employees, as designated by the administrators at your school. Even when
discussing a student with those who are directly involved in a student's
education, such as a teacher, principal, or guidance counselor, you may
not share otherwise confidential information with them unless it is
relevant to the student's educational growth, safety, or wellbeing.
- You may not share information
about a student even with others who are genuinely interested in the
student's welfare, such as social workers, scout leaders, clergy, or
nurses/physicians (a grave medical emergency, in which confidential
information may be necessary for a student's care, is the only exception).
Thus, you must refer all such questions to the school employees so
authorized and indicated to you, typically the student's teacher or
- Parents, friends, or community
members may in good faith ask you questions about a student's problems or
progress. Again, you must refer all such questions to the authorized
school employees. You may not share information about a student even with
members of you own family or the student's family.
- Before you speak, always remember
that violating a student's confidentiality isn't just impolite, it's
against the law!
Under District policy the District is required to deny volunteer
privileges to anyone convicted of certain felonies and misdemeanors (those
listed in ORS.342.143). In addition, the District reserves the right to deny volunteer
privileges to persons based on the nature and recentness of crimes and overall
criminal record. The District or the school Principal may revoke a volunteer privileges at any time if the volunteer presence is considered disruptive or
unsafe to the learning environment.
Oregon Trail School District strives to ensure a safe learning
environment for our children. Therefore, any person that refuses a criminal
background check will not be allowed to volunteer. There are no exceptions.
I authorize and direct Oregon Trail School District to conduct a
criminal history background check via Criminal Information Services (CRIS). All
information will be kept strictly confidential. I hereby exonerate, release and
discharge you, your organization, its officers, agents, all references and
employees from any liability or damages, whether in law or in equity, now and
in the future, for complying with this request and for furnishing the
information request by the bearer of this authorization form.
to disclose prior conviction (including misdemeanors) will result in immediate
termination of volunteer privileges**