Katonah - Lewisboro School District Volunteer Application
Katonah-Lewisboro Schools appreciate your interest in volunteering. Our district offers a variety of activities you may choose from when volunteering your time. Simply complete and submit a volunteer application and upon submission you will be on our list for volunteers, subject to final approval from Building Principals. It is very important that the information you enter on the application matches your government issued identification card including your full legal name. It is important that you provide a valid email address so you can be notified as to the status of your application and for future communication. If you are unable to provide an email address, please contact your school. All information collected on the application will remain confidential and will not be shared outside the volunteer program.ÃÆÃâÃâ ââ¬â¢ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¡ÃÆÃââââ¬à ¡ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâàIf you have any questions about the application, please call your schools main office.
KLSD BOE Policy 4532:
The Board encourages volunteers who are willing to share their time, training, experience or personal characteristics to benefit students. Volunteers must adhere to FERPA, Federal law which protects the privacy of student personally identifiable information. Volunteers must also follow the District Code of Conduct and comply with safety protocols and district norms while volunteering in the schools or at other school sponsored activities. Volunteers shall not provide transportation to students for school-sponsored activities. Staff members who are responsible for tasks or projects that involve the use of volunteers shall identify appropriate activities and schedules for such activities, as well as make provisions for appropriate utilization of space that ensures proximity to other individuals who serve in a student supervisory capacity.All volunteers are required to act in accordance with district policies, regulations and school rules. Staff members are expected to provide guidance to volunteers; may redirect volunteers who appear in violation of district policies, regulations or school rules; and may relieve volunteers of duties if necessary.